Hi!! My name is Jocelyn. I live with my sweet husband, Eric, and four kids in Salem, Oregon. Eric and I both grew up here in Salem and have always lived in the Pacific Northwest. We went to high school and college together, but never dated until we were 25. In another life, I was a corporate lawyer and then a law school administrator. Haha. It's hard to even imagine anymore. These days I'm a stay at home/homeschool mom to my hilarious crew: three boys and a girl ages 8, 6, 2 and 7 months.
I think that what I'm hoping to take away from Hope Spoken and the thing that I'm nervous about are all wrapped up in the same thing. Almost three years ago, my world was rocked when my marriage hit rock bottom. Jesus has been so good to us and redeemed our marriage from the pit. Even though I knew Jesus before our mess, I feel like now I can say that I really know Him. After that, I didn't want to present ourselves as this perfect family anymore. I wanted other people, especially women, to know God for themselves. I wanted to boast in my weakness that they might see His Glory. Writing my little blog has grown out of this desire in my heart. And God has blessed me hugely in my little world as He has used my desire to be real (through my blog and also life in general) to make my friendships deeper, turn acquaintances into real friends, and to give me opportunities to minster in ways I never could have before.
As soon as I heard about Hope Spoken, I knew I had to go. I'm super nervous about leaving my youngest baby, who will turn one just a few weeks before the conference. But, I know the Lord has something for me during this weekend. I'm excited to see what exactly it is . . . I know that He wants me to share my story to give hope to others. But that also makes me nervous! Hope Spoken is probably the best place to gain courage to share our story and my own weakness more boldly! Wondering how many times during the weekend I'm going to cry (yikes - I hate crying in public . . . I am NOT a pretty crier. Think red nose and splotchy face.) and also what exactly He is going to do in my heart while i'm there. I'm waiting with expectation to see who and what He is planning on using to change me.
So, I'm also supposed to share something fun/random about myself. I hate this question. Ummm . . . random. I love Oregon Ducks football. Like, really love it. And, also, I never ever thought I would be a homeschool mom. Ever. I remember being in a Bible study with a girl who decided to start homeschooling several years ago. When she said she was going to homeschool I immediately thought, "Oh . . . I really liked you. I mean, I thought you were so normal. You are going to homeschool? You're one of those people?" And now I homeschool. Heh heh. I am planning to run my first half-marathon this year. I passionately love baking cookies and old Amy Grant music. Okay . . . now I'm rambling.
Looking forward to meeting all of you, ladies. If you are here from the link-up, Hi!!!! Say hi and leave a comment :) xoxo.