Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Disneyland (again)

What can I say? We love taking our kids to Disneyland. We love love love it. I don't want to miss out on keeping the memories of the trip so I'm going to post a couple of times about it.

We left at 4am on a Saturday morning and we drove - yes DROVE - to Disneyland. So many people thought we were crazy to drive but we thought it had to be better than being a public spectacle in the security line at PDX. So, we packed up the Suburban and headed out. And, the drive was amazing. Uh-mazing. We drove it in 17 hours. Let's not talk about the fact that the Ventis were also driving but left at 6am and caught up with us. Hmmm - fast driving, Conrad?

Anyways . . . my kids never once asked "Are we there yet?" AND they only watched TWO movies on the entire trip. And, Jameson only cried ONE time for about FIVE minutes. We had the best playlist EVER to listen to (thanks, Honey) and the best mapped out plan (thanks again, Honey) with places to stop that did not include McDonalds - because my kids are terrified of McDonalds, Burger King, Dairy Queen, Taco Bell - all fast food actually except for In n Out and Burgerville (but that story belongs in another post).

Eric and I had time to talk. And, Eric and Conrad had time to talk. Our friends, the Ventis, made the trip too. (The truth is that this was their Disneyland trip and we crashed it - thanks Ventis!) And, conveniently the iPhone 4 came out the day before with Siri - which let the guys speak their text messages and listen to their text messages. Like walkie talkies but better. Hilarious listening to the text messages those two came up with just to see what kind of words Siri would be willing to say.

So - we made it to Anaheim by 9:45 pm. And, we had fun on the drive. And we loved our family more because we drove. And our Suburban hasn't been the same since - LOL!

So - here are a few of the pictures from our trip. I'll post more tomorrow!

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